Beyond the Booth
Mizzen strives to ensure that the furniture, furnishings, and people-centered sensibility the team brings to exhibit halls have a life beyond the booth that benefits local out-of-school time programs.
Far more than a furniture donation program, it’s a way to partner with educators and pool ideas and resources to create next-level spaces for young people.
How It Works

1. Design for Belonging
Design exhibit booths for professionals that foster connection and collaboration.
Furnish with an eye to comfort, warmth, vibrancy, and durability.
Handle every detail with care, making sure all aspects shine.

2. Partner with Local Organizations
Select and invite a local youth-serving organization to partner.
Listen and learn about their programs, community, needs, and dreams.
Map out a redesign project that aligns with their goals and setting.

3. Build Safe & Real Spaces for Youth
Co-design and revamp spaces for youth, using warm and vibrant furnishings from the booth.
See the re-design in action: participate in a youth-centered activity or program.
Refine the design with input from youth and staff.

Why Your Donation Matters
“Environments that bring people in to create and celebrate opportunities for young people and educators to be their full selves are foundational to building belonging in any learning community. The intentionality and variety of furniture, of artwork, of colors, of textures, of lighting and signage that are chosen in a physical space are all cues to let a person know that this environment is for them; that they are welcome here. That they belong.”
Kristin Stayer, VP of Engagement and Educator Experiences

Real Stories, Real Impact
Mizzen Education was in Dallas in mid-March for the National AfterSchool Association’s 2024 Convention. The team had designed one of Mizzen's trademark exhibit booths—a vibrant Learning Expo lounge that created a welcoming gathering-place for attendees from around the country.
The lounge was a great success, but how could these furnishings and aesthetics live on—beyond the booth—to benefit youth in Dallas?
The answer emerged from a new partnership.
Following the convention, Mizzen teamed up with Youth Guidance - Dallas, an afterschool program with a profound commitment to youth voice. Together, we created a plan for outfitting youth spaces at YG with furnishings from the booth. Beneath posters that read "You belong," we placed inviting furniture, warm lighting, and vibrant textiles that brought the message home.
"Literally and figuratively, this space is so key," said Michael Berry, Executive Director at Youth Guidance. "It has been transformed. The safe and brave space we want to provide for young people is this." "We are honored by this partnership. It's really going to take us to the next level."