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Get the Mizzen app

Mizzen is an app on your phone or tablet. Getting the app is easy and free. Let's get started!

iPhone or iPad

  1. From an iPhone or iPad Mizzen can be downloaded from the Apple App Store.
  2. To download tap the Get button while viewing the app in the Apple App Store and following the on screen prompts on your device.
  3. Once the app has downloaded it will be available on your home screen and filled with helpful tools for educators and high quality educational content with supporting materials.

If you've already installed Mizzen in the past and would like to install it on a new device, the steps remain the same except you'll tap the download button which looks like a cloud with a down arrow in it.


  1. From an Android phone Mizzen can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.
  2. To download tap the Install button while viewing the app in the Google Play Store.
  3. Once the app has downloaded it will be available on your home screen filled with helpful tools for educators and high quality content and support materials.

    If you've already installed Mizzen in the past and would like to install it on a new device, the steps remain the same as above.

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